Friday, March 26, 2010

Rob Multo

Now personally I'm not an Avatar fan. But I AM a Rob Multo fan. And he froths for Avatar. So here he is. As a Na'vi warrior. Ready to make halu with you...

Rob's gold. Be his facebook friend. You won't regret it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

the Sandman

Neil Gaiman's Sandman is a book that changed my perceptions.

Back when I was young and foolish(er) I thought that art was more important than story. I didn't really care if a comic's story was garbage, as long as I enjoyed the artwork. A plot was just an excuse to string together images of women with next to nothing on, being saved by/fighting against/alongside roided up dudes with scowls frozen on their faces.

Enter the Sandman.

From the day I started to take in the story, my eyes opened. I realised what I had been missing. I couldn't believe how superbly it was written. How immense the story was. How unique it was. I didn't even understand all of it. I'd sit there knowing that I was missing the true depth of this amazing book. But what I could understand blew me away.

I stopped collecting half of the books I had been up to that point. They didn't measure up. It was that simple. Suddenly I became more discerning, and art became less important.

I'm no literary genius. My writing is nothing to cross the street for. I have said- and will always say- I'm an artist. I'll never call myself a writer. Not really anyway. So my stories are usually an excuse for me to draw cool stuff. I enjoy it. But when it comes to stuff I choose to read. The bar is higher now that I've read Gaiman's epic.

I'm currently re-reading the whole thing. I'm finally understanding it. I'm being blown away all over again. "The Sound of Her Wings" is an incredible chapter. It's one of the parts that I didn't understand before, and I honestly feel richer now that I have a grasp on it.

If you haven't read this series then do yourself the favour. It's not 'just a comic'. It's a series that anyone can enjoy.

In regard to the picture. I'm not satisfied with it. I like it better in pencils. I just can't get the background happening and it's been driving me mad. I put up the colour version because I poured hours into it. Ah well.

By the way, the girl is Dream's sister Death. She's cool.

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Study

I thought I'd do more of a portrait sort of thing. This is Breaker. No he doesn't have my name tattooed on his chest. It says 'Marion'. Long story. Buy the comic to find out more.

This took a while to do. I actually sketched out the basic line work ages ago but I thought it wasn't working so I gave up on it till a week ago.

I'm glad I took the time to finish it off. A vast majority of my stuff is just line work, so to do some pencil shading was a good change of pace. It still has a comic book look to it, but it's a bit more 'realistic' than my usual style.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spawn Mac Skin Deploy!

My Mac skin arrived today. I put it on straight away and stood back and admired it.

Totally pimped out my already sweet MacBook.

These things look awesome. Great print quality and a great fit. I'm gonna be selling these bad boys now that I know they're good quality. If you're interested in a custom skin then let me know and we'll work something out.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Man

Dave Mustaine. What a legend. This is kind of how he goes off on stage. I should put a snarling sound effect in the background there.

Megadeth are currently touring the US playing their album Rust in Peace, start to finish.

I can only hope that Dave sees this picture and decides that he absolutely must come see me, and play Rust in Peace for all us Aussies. I'm holding my breath...

Last time they were in town, a good friend of mine got to chauffeur them around. They hung out at the beach, drank coffee and just chilled out. I was at work which kind of didn't measure up.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Big Smash

James and Breaker from 'Killing Time' in a mild sparring session.

I'll have a colour version of this at some time. Try to add another dimension to the art.

This is just a glimpse of the action that'll be seen in Killing Time once it gets picked up by a publisher... Whenever that happens. Keep your fingers and toes crossed if you like this.

I've got plenty of crazy characters just waiting to make it to the page, and they've all got their own techniques that they're just dying to show off. Should be good. Even if I say so myself.

...Man I'm modest.

Wolverine 2

Here's a Wolverine sketch I've done at the request of Jacko, and according to him, for everyone else as well because everyone wanted to see Wolverine.

So enjoy Jacko. Maybe I'll do some more later. Or colour this one. Or both...

I do like Wolverine. I like his attitude. I really wish Wolverine was shown to be more wild in the movies. I know that Hollywood has to appeal to the broadest audience possible, and depicting a more savage Wolverine would have netted Hugh and co. less greenbacks (or purple, blue, red, gold and green backs since Hugh's an Aussie) but still...

I feel Wolverine is a more relative hero in this day and age than others like Superman or Captain America.

Things aren't as black and white as they used to be. Bad guys can be good guys. They don't have to be squeaky clean. They don't have to be "Captain" anything. They just need to be 'enough' of something. They just need enough motivation to make a stand, even if it's on shaky ground.

This is officially my longest post now. Maybe you're only here for the pictures, but if you're interested in more than that, then feel free to leave comments and your own opinions.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This is the first drawing I ever did entirely digital. Start to finish on the graphics tablet I had received that day. What an occasion.

Fuel is another Killing Time ninja


Sling is one of the clan leaders inside the prison city walls of Killing Time. He's bad news wrapped in Kleenex. He's not really wrapped in toilet paper. That'd be stupid. Although it would come in handy once or twice a day.


This is Breaker from Killing Time. He breaks stuff. Accidently, on purpose, it doesn't matter. He just breaks stuff. Particularly other peoples bones. He's an ex-biker who's joined one of the ninja clans. He also becomes a good friend to James, the story's protagonist. He has more tattoos than I've drawn here but you get the idea.

He might not look like a ninja but he is. Stealth just aint his specialty.


This is a crummy half sketch I couldn't be bothered finishing on the plane. I've only drawn Wolverine a few times which is kind of strange since he's the sort of character that appeals to me.

I uploaded this for Jackson since he is my first follower. I'll do a better one later and dedicate it to Jacko. For now you shall all have to look at this rubbish.

Oh and I'm now taking requests for sketches. Send me a message if you wanna see Superman or Jesse Custer or Wonder Woman or anything else. I can draw IT ALL!!!


This is one of my dogs, 'Sadie'. She's no cleaning lady. She ruins things and loves to be in the dirt getting filthy. We should have called her Destructo or something.

Great dog though.

Immortal Iron Fist

The Immortal Iron Fist is the champion of the city K'un L'un... from memory. He channels the chi of Shao Lo the Undying. He will mess up your face real good. If you want some great Iron Fist artwork then look for Travel Foreman's stuff.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Blade of the Immortal

I'm currently collecting Blade of the Immortal books. I just love Samura's artwork. His figure drawing is effortlessly brilliant, and the way he captures movement and gesture so perfectly is stunning. My sketch is by no means a gauge of his work.

If you're into great stories and awesome art, I just can't recommend Blade of the Immortal enough. Plus Manji is one of the coolest characters ever.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


This chap is Mach. Also from 'Killing Time'. Doing his bit for Ninja kind.


SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!! Yes I'm aware I've forgotten a few details in Piccolo's design, such as the bands around his wrists, and the lines all over him. Ah well. Maybe I'll do another to rectify the situation.


This is a personal favourite of mine. For a long time I had wanted to do some sketches of my favourite Dragon Ball characters, but in my style. I finally got around to it laying on the beaches of Thailand. I plan to do something similar to this as a Laptop skin. Full colour, full detail of course. Let me know if you're interested.


Adding a splash of colour to March is Ayame, from Tenchu: Stealth Assassins originally on Playstation. I did this pic for my sister Emily. One of the first pictures I did entirely on my Wacom Cintiq.


Diora is a character from my Comic 'Killing Time'. She's the young protege of Rale, prison guard turned heavily armed ninja bad boy.

Japan Batman

Incase you haven't had enough Batman for the month of March, here's a sketch of Batman dropping in on some wayward Samurai. I did this on the flight over to Japan.

Bat Wayne

Here's a sketch of Batman, with Bruce Wayne present.

Going Berserk

I recently finished watch the anime Berserk. Great anime. Watch it. Personally I wished they looked more at Guts after he became, 'The Black Swordsman" rather than focusing on the early days, but oh well. This is Guts as the Black Swordsman. Going Berserk as he does.

Through Enemy Eyes

I've for a while now been dead keen on Batman. I wanted to do a sketch of Batman without the Bruce Wayne side of him. How does Batman appear through the eyes of a terrified henchman?

'Through Enemy Eyes' was a title I was thinking of as I drew this sketch.

Spawn Mac Skin

This is an image I did to create a skin for my MacBook. When fitted to the Mac, Spawn will be holding the Mac logo. SWEET! If you want something similar then they will be available for purchase in the near future. Contact me if you want details. I'll also be doing a range of other designs, suitable for all types of laptops.
Sketch of Kratos, from God of War.


Welcome to my blog. I'm well behind the times in this digital age, so you'll have to forgive the starting quality of my blog. I assure you it'll only get better.

This blog is for artwork. It's that simple. If you want to see sketches and junk then you're in the right place. If you want to request sketches of your favourite characters/robots/vehicles/anything at all, well then come back a little later and you'll be in the right place. I gotta get this blog started before I take requests, so give me a sec.

In the meantime, I'll be posting sketches from comics I've been reading, shows I've been watching, new stuff, old stuff, whatever.
