Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wolverine 2

Here's a Wolverine sketch I've done at the request of Jacko, and according to him, for everyone else as well because everyone wanted to see Wolverine.

So enjoy Jacko. Maybe I'll do some more later. Or colour this one. Or both...

I do like Wolverine. I like his attitude. I really wish Wolverine was shown to be more wild in the movies. I know that Hollywood has to appeal to the broadest audience possible, and depicting a more savage Wolverine would have netted Hugh and co. less greenbacks (or purple, blue, red, gold and green backs since Hugh's an Aussie) but still...

I feel Wolverine is a more relative hero in this day and age than others like Superman or Captain America.

Things aren't as black and white as they used to be. Bad guys can be good guys. They don't have to be squeaky clean. They don't have to be "Captain" anything. They just need to be 'enough' of something. They just need enough motivation to make a stand, even if it's on shaky ground.

This is officially my longest post now. Maybe you're only here for the pictures, but if you're interested in more than that, then feel free to leave comments and your own opinions.

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