Monday, April 12, 2010

Sleazy street tee

So much for being lazy! Second post in one day. You lucky devils.

Here's the next design in my wildly successful 'Simple Pleasures' line up. "How can it be wildly successful with just TWO designs!?" I hear you ask?

It can't be...

But maybe it will be one day. Time will tell. And then I will tell. you. again.

So here it is anyway. Sleazy Street. Oh yes and what a lesson you will learn. A lesson you'll not soon forget. So to quote the big clock in the Perth CBD with the mechanical jousting knights in it, "Take heed and see ye nothing do in vain, for no minute gone comes ever back again. Especially after some furry creature has unloaded on you with an AK 47."

Okay so I paraphrased but you get the idea.

Of course reading this blog is no vain action. While you'll never get these moments back, I'm sure you feel all the richer for having viewed my art and read my drivel.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I haven't updated the blog lately for numerous reasons.

reason 1: I'm lazy

reason 2: I've been working on things like this.

I've decided to start making money from my art (easier said than done) and so for starters I'm doing some designs for t-shirts etc. I'll have to come up with a few before I can start pimping them out for your capitalist pleasure.

This is a work in progress. Remember that concept bike from last post? This is it. The 'Simple Pleasures' on the sign? That's the name of my label. Since 1984? Well I was born in 84 so it all kinda started then didn't it?

Anyway. I've got a few ideas rolling around in my noggin which I'll be getting down soon I hope. In the mean time you can imagine walking around with this on your chest. And imagine everyone going "hey man/girl nice shirt! Where you get that from?" Won't you be popular!?

I'll try to make posts more regular in future too.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

concept bike

This is a sketch in the rough stages of a bike design I'm working on.

I love motorbikes big time, but I've not drawn many. I like Harley's and wanna own one some day, but when it comes to artwork I'm more keen on sports bikes. Especially concept bikes.

Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira books have been a big influence on my own artwork for a long time now. In particular his environments. However he's an all round legendary artist, and some of his designs such as Kaneda's bike (you know the one... if you don't...tsk tsk...) are personal favourites of mine.

I'm going to do this bike in full colour. At the moment I'm just trying to nail down the definitive design for it. It's much easier to draw things from different angles if you actually know what it looks like in profile etc.

Anyway let me know if you want to see more of this sort of stuff. I do mostly figure drawing, so it's always nice to switch it up a bit.